Completed English Commander

I painted up another English Commander with the intention of using him as a Portuguese/European militia commander. I painted this guy while I worked on the Native Warriors guide and this post is just an excuse to post some pictures of another finished project.

Fair-haired and fancy coated.

I painted him to match a set of European Soldiers I finished a while back.

I still need to paint another 4 like this so I have a “full set” of 8 in this paint scheme.

With his English Militia and Pirate/Buccaneer variations.

And with all my English commanders.

He stands out a little bit I could use him for a Militia Commander or Officer.

I know I got a commander in the English Starter Box and the Unaligned Box, but I’m not sure when I got the third model.

Not many colors on this models so it didn’t take long to complete.

Thanks for reading!

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