NPBtL Updates Now Live on the Blood & Plunder Force Builder

We recently got some news of some updates in the reprint of the No Peace Beyond the Line expansion for Blood & Plunder. You can find a full list of the errata on the Firelock Games resources page, and you can read our article analyzing all these changes here in Blood & Pigment.

We’re happy to report that this new Errata has now been applied to the Blood & Plunder Online Force Builder! All unit, commander and character costs have been updated along with a couple Faction Rules updates.

Here’s a French lists that highlights some of the changes and updates!

Spotlighted changes in this list include:

  • L’Olonnais has been reduced from 37 points to 32
  • Marins can either swap Pistols for Lances for no cost, or swap Pistol for Brace of Pistols for 4pts.
  • Marins are now a Core Unit in Flibustiers Nau
  • The Grizzled Veteran, very helpful for keeping Fatigue off these Flibustiers so they can use Ruthless, now costs 6pts instead of 3.

Updates costs always shakes up the Force Building a little bit, so have fun with experimenting with some old faction with these new costs! All the Militia factions have some savings with cheaper cavalry, and most of the Legendary Commanders have become a bit cheaper, making them more attractive to games at the 200 or less point levels. The Dutch finally get a cost reduction on their Jewish Militia and the English Militia Factions get an “upgrade” to their Faction rule.

Check out all the updates and enjoy some fresh Force Building Options!

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