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2023 Summer of Plunder Prize List

The 2023 Summer of Plunder event is nearing its end in August here is the full list of prizes we’re giving away this year! We have a bunch of great sponsors for the campaign this year and a huge stack of prizes, totaling over $2,500. Some of it has already been awarded, and some prizes will be given out at the end of the campaign.

There are several “levels” of prizes given out during the Summer of Plunder campaign. There are prizes for certain levels of participation, there are random drawings from the week’s entries, there are prizes for good photos, there are prizes for good looking tables and so much more! All those prizes are available to all players! In addition to all that, each national commander has a horde of prizes that are being awarded to their players! Each player was given $100 to work with to assemble prizes for the nation as they see fit, with various national objectives and ways of earning that plunder.

Here is the full list of prizes that have been/will be awarded over the course of the 2023 Summer of Plunder campaign for Blood & Plunder and Oak & Iron.

Prizes from 2022 Summer of Plunder

End of Campaign Prizes

Prizes Awarded During the Campaign

National Prizes

Some of the custom Commander cards for Blood & Plunder this year.

Watch the messages from Commanders in the weekly updates for various national objectives you can accomplish to earn these prizes!

Make sure to request one of the limited edition custom Blood & Plunder Commander cards if you’re interested! Each commander has a custom card representing them that they can give out to their loyal players.

In addition to all these prizes, The Dead Man’s Chest is also doing a significant giveaway during the campaign!

Campaign Sponsors

We have a great team of volunteers helping out with the prizes and support for this campaign! These fine folks have contributed time, shipping expenses and their awesome products to make make this prize pile legendary!

Be sure to stop by and say a huge thanks to our sponsors!


There’s lots of plunder to be won! We hope you’ll win some loot and enjoy the event.

Timing of shipping prizes will depend on several factors: some prizes get shipped mid campaign, but many will be shipped at the end of the campaign so things can be combined for anyone who has won more than 1 prize. Postage is a big expense for an event like this and we try to be frugal.

Thanks for your participation!

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